Achieve measurable business value and sustain business engagement with MDM

Apgar supports organizations seeking to establish Master Data Management (MDM) as a foundational component of their digitalization and transformation programs. Trusted master data is required to be a data-driven organization. Our clients benefit from greater business and IT agility by mastering their most critical data assets, such as customers, products, employees, or locations.
Apgar provides strategic and tactical services to tie your MDM program to business outcomes.
Create and define your MDM roadmap with a business-driven approach
With new technical capabilities, particularly AI/ML, the risk of seeing MDM projects being technology-led is high. But MDM must always be considered as part of a business-outcome-led initiative. Apgar provides both organizational and technical capabilities and helps you create the MDM vision for your organization, as well as the strategy and roadmap for achieving it.
Execute your MDM roadmap and deliver the value
Because master data touches so many critical business processes, applications and stakeholders, MDM programs require a breadth of capabilities, experience and best practices to be successful. Apgar strives to ensure that you maximize the benefits of your technology investment and brings its knowledge of complex data management projects requiring such a unique set of skills.

“MDM remains a complex undertaking that requires the active and continued engagement of stakeholders across your organization. Apgar helps you start and navigate the journey and deliver value every step of the way.”
How MDM enables business goals.

Optimizing current performance and operations
An MDM program must be tied to business outcomes to obtain funding and secure continued sponsorship. MDM value must be communicated in a language everyone understands. MDM optimizes the current performance and operations of your organization by ensuring the quality of master data used in your transactional systems (ERP, CRM) and used as dimensions in your reporting & analytics tools. It also reduces the regulatory compliance risks (GDPR, SOX).
Our assets Master Data Management.